We are nearing the end of the year, which means it’s time to get serious about studying. If you feel lost on where to start with your studying, these tips are for you. I decided to ask our very own Centaurus Warriors what their techniques and methods are for hitting the books.
One student explained her very scientific method of studying. “Every time I study for a test, I always stare out the window and think about all the things that led me to this moment. Then I start profusely crying. This method really helps me get 100s on every exam. So when in doubt, cry it out!”
A certain junior is known as an excellent student, so I decided to try and understand her technique. “The best thing that helps me study is putting on a good TV show, then I watch the show and never do any of my work. I find that it’s the most calming way for me to study. When finals come around I highly recommend you try it for yourself.”
One of the smartest kids in the junior class has the most astounding grades out of everyone. So I decided to ask him how he did it. “ The method to my madness is going to a coffee shop or a library. It’s important to be in a quiet environment when studying. Once you are there, start yelling. It’s never failed me. If you start screaming at the top of your lungs and punch the nearest table, it’s the certified method of having a 4.0 GPA.”
As the school year is coming to a gradual close, I hope these amazing methods of studying will help you along the way. Good luck with testing, Warriors, study hard!