Upcoming Centaurus Spirit Week

Shira Nathan

The planned days for this spirit week, as presented by StuCo

Student Council has been working hard to organize a number of events for the upcoming Centaurus Spirit Week (March 14-18). Voting for the themes of spirit week is on the Centaurus Student Council Instagram page and it happens on Thursday (March 3). In addition to having themed days, Spirit Week also will have Hug A Warrior, Buffpuff, and Club 10300.

Hug A Warrior begins the Monday of Spirit Week (March 14) and it is open to all grades. In order to sign up, find a Student Council member and then pay one dollar. During this event, you will be given the name and picture of another student who signed up, and your goal will be to find and hug them during Spirit Week. For a hug to count, it must be under the arms and fully around the chest. However, you are not allowed to walk around with your arms crossed all the time. It also must be on school grounds. Once someone has been hugged, they are out. If you hug someone, you then receive the name and photo of the person they were trying to hug. Sign-ups are already open, so if you’re interested, be sure to find a Student Council member to sign up.

Buffpuff is on Thursday (March 17) and registration is closed, but it will be a volleyball tournament between teams of students from each grade. They will be coached by girls on the volleyball team, and there will also be a halftime show put on by Juniors and Seniors. Bring your friends and your school spirit to have a good time at this school tradition!

To end spirit week, Student Council is organizing Club 10300 (March 18). Club 10300 is an informal dance for all grades and the theme of the dance this year is disco. It will be held in the gym, and StuCo member Grace Petroff advises to dress light because it gets really hot. There will be a DJ, and you are welcome to come dressed for the theme, but since it is informal, you can come dressed in your regular clothing as well. The timing for the dance is currently between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Tickets start selling this Thursday (March 3) for $5.00 and will be available for two weeks, but StuCo is not selling tickets at the dance so make sure to buy them beforehand.

Centaurus Student Council has put a lot of effort into making these events happen, so make sure to give your StuCo friends some love and consider going to or participating in these events. Go Warriors!