National French Week Presented by French Honor Society


This week from the 3rd to the 9th is National French Week! Centaurus’s French Honor Society has some fun activities planned for the days of this celebratory week. Firstly, if you are in any level French class then ask your teacher if you can participate in the National Francophone Culture Trivia Contest where you could earn up to $200. Even if you aren’t in a French class, we still have ways you can participate and learn about French culture. Come find us Monday and Tuesday before school in the Commons and answer a French trivia question to receive bonbon (candy)! We also have fliers that you can pick up to learn about different Francophone speaking countries. We hope you stop by!  


Late last school year, Centaurus received its very own chapter of La Société Honoraire de Français (French Honor Society). French Honor Society–or FHS–provides focusing activities and volunteering opportunities around the French language and culture. Members demonstrate citizenship through service projects and gain leadership skills as well as knowledge about a different culture that could serve them later in life.


If you are interested in joining the French Honor Society, please speak to or email Madame Hubbard (room number 2000) for more information and eligibility requirements.