Dan Ryan on HOCO 2021

What’s going on with Homecoming?

Fall fest 2021!

For the last two hectic weeks, rumors whispered around the school, each telling a tale of despair. Where did the Centaurus Homecoming Dance go? Did Monarch steal it? Was it lost in COVID concerns? Confusion spread among the student body. On Monday, August 31st, the news broke to student council members- Homecoming/Fall Formal is set for October 2nd, 2021. Where did this come from? We turn to our beloved principal Dan Ryan for answers.


Question 1: What are the rules and guidelines of our homecoming dance?

Question 2: What prompted the change from having no homecoming dance to having one? 


We have to run all of our events (and school) according to the guidelines set by BVSD and our partners in public health. The updated guidance we received last week allows for outdoor events without masks and without size limits. If you remember from last year, this was different from what we had in place for graduations and prom. This makes things much better for us as we don’t have to limit things to one grade level or a certain amount of tickets, and can let everyone come who wants to be there. We will have additional guidelines later, but the main thing that students have to know is that it will be outside, masks are not required (but of course you can wear one), and that everyone just really needs to be reasonable and give each other some space.


Question 3: What are you most excited about for homecoming week(s)?


I am really excited to see students getting the chance to enjoy all of our traditional homecoming activities. Last year was really tough for all of us because we have so many great traditions here at Centaurus that we were not able to have for the CHS students. Really, I am most excited about getting all of our traditions and celebrations back.


Question 4: What top-secret future plans can you tell us about for events during the rest of the year? 


No top-secret plans at the moment, but I want everyone to know that we have a lot of people working really hard to ensure that we are able to have all of our activities and events happen this year. 


Question 5: Do you support the Seniors to win Powderpuff and Grade games?


As the principal for all of Centaurus, I can never pick favorites in the Powderpuff and Grade Games. What matters most to me: Seeing everyone normally in overall rewarding situations!